Capital Healing Rooms

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Truth not lies

“God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”  (Num 23:19).

What a magnificent promise for us!  This is a rock solid assurance for us as followers of Jesus that anything He says is truth and there is no chance of Him changing His mind because He’s had a better offer or He didn’t feel like keeping His promise.  He is never double-minded and is the same yesterday today and forever (Heb 13:8).

The Bible contains thousands of promises and it has been said around 7400+ of them are directed from God to mankind.  That’s more than 20 promises per day in which we can delight!  Of course it goes without saying we are speaking here of promises made by the Creator and Sustainer of life to those He’s created.

Why is it then we are too often more inclined to listen to the voice of the one to whom the Bible names the father of lies and in whom there is NO truth (John 8:44)?

The facts are what you feed grows and what you starve dies.  This is so true when it comes to listening to God or the enemy of our souls.  Each time we listen to the devil’s lies we give him more and more ‘access’ or inroads to our soul. Not only that when we come into ‘agreement’ with his lies through fear and doubt we actually empower him. The Bible says he only comes to rob, kill and destroy and the main damage he tries to inflict is in our mind.  If he can get us to believe his deception(s) then he has won that battle. 

Jesus paid for our complete healing – body, mind and spirit as we see in Isa 53:4-5.  If He died just for our sins this would have been more than enough. However, His death on the Cross of Calvary also ensured we could have peace in our minds and our emotions.  What a Saviour!

The Apostle Paul also gave us a key to experience healing in our minds.  “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  He goes on to explain the promise attached to this method of dealing with our anxiety. “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:6-7 emphasis added).

The word used for ‘guard’ here in the original language has within its meaning the concept of a military sentry ‘standing outside the door’ of our mind.  What a wonderful picture this paints for us.  An armed guard stationed at the entrance to our mind – that’s peace!  We can remain calm in the midst of storms which invariably come when we bring our concerns, and requests before the throne of God with thanksgiving.  He knows what we need before we do and assures us we are far more important than the sparrows none of which fall to the ground without His knowledge (Matt 10:29-31).

Let me encourage you to give the Lord your anxious thoughts and rest in the peace He affords which is beyond our understanding.