Capital Healing Rooms

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Thank you

Can you please pass on a big thank you to the people who were there tonight (Monday), who prayed for me……as I got so much healing tonight - as I always do.
I haven't been able to get there for 6 months, and going out at night can be a struggle for me, as I am a single Mum, and have to arrange a babysitter etc,
and have recently also started a part-time job, but I felt like I just HAD to get there tonight.   I received a lot of great words and ministry, and although we went a bit late, they allowed me time for things to happen as was needed.
I know everyone there are volunteers, and they give up their own time to be there, and just want to say that I really appreciate those who were there tonight (sorry I can’t remember any names), and the words and Bible verses they had for me, which are always so relevant and specific to my situation.

Leanne Miles 17/5/16