We received a wonderful today a testimony from Cambodia. When we were there earlier in this year we travelled to the northern province of Kratie where Cambodian Care have a school. En route to the school, which is in a very remote rural area, there was a family on a motor bike coming towards us who were taking their desperately sick son to the hospital about an hour’s drive away. He had a very high temperature and looked lifeless. They were unsure what was wrong with him but suspected dengue fever. We offered to pray for him and his parents agreed. After a short time of prayer they continued on their journey to the hospital and we continued in the opposite direction to the school. We never heard any more about his condition until today - some 6 months later. Here is the testimony from our partner Koy who with his wife Reny run Cambodian Care.
“The mother took him to the emergency room and the doctor told her that her son was too late to be cured. A few minutes later, the doctor took a blood sample and found out the boy had hope to live. At the bed next to her son, there was another boy with the same condition - dengue fever and he died from this disease. Since then the boy’s health continued to improve until he was released to go home. Now he is a healthy boy and back to our school in the village.”
This is what the boy’s mother says: “If you have not stopped and prayed for my son, my boy could have been killed by the dengue fever.”
Below are photos of the boy who is now healthy and his mother and auntie - both who now believe in Jesus! Praise God!
Boy healed of dengue fever
The boy’s mother (left) and auntie - both now believe in Jesus