Came in with a painful left shoulder. It has been so for many months due to a gym injury. After prayer, it was healed!
Matt 16/9/24
I have had prayer a number of times for a HIP injury. It is now healed!
Matthew 8/9/24
I gave all my pain, sorrow, grief and trauma to Jesus. I received release and peace. I gave my fear to Him and he gave me peace in the storm in the decision making. My organs were healed. There is no longer a lump in my breast!
Peta 10/9/24
Answered Prayers
I received prayer at Capital Healing Rooms on 28/6/24 and God moved mightily almost immediately. Prayers answered over the following hours to under a week were:
· A renewed closeness with God in prayer, devotion and discipline.
· Healing of a long-term foot/ankle issue.
· Opportunity to share faith at work.
· Wisdom, guidance and a favourable outcome of a new work opportunity received today.
God is always good, but sometimes we just are not grateful.
Francis Louis 2/7/24
God’s Protection
Almost 4 years ago, we nearly lost our daughter and granddaughter during labour which was very badly managed.
Two years ago, she was pregnant again knowing it was a high-risk pregnancy. After prayer at the Healing Rooms, I had a real peace she would be ok. At five weeks early her waters broke, and she started with 2-minute contractions, and her planned C section became another emergency. Both mum and baby came through safely and I’m grateful for the prayers and the Lord’s protection.
Robyn Baker 1/7/24
Deep Peace
Deep peace poured into my being body, mind and spirit. I could see in my mind’s eye the cleansing water of the Lord washing through my body and bladder. I felt the Lord standing with me and Ellen my daughter. I felt and still feel His deep, deep peace with us.
Tina Kennedy 4/6/24
I felt God with me and listening to my prayers and giving me closure. I feel at peace. 28/5/24
I came for prayer approximately 1 month ago. My back and my neck had been put out and I was in terrible pain. I also asked for prayer for a new job I had been interviewed for. I also asked for prayer for my sore finger to be healed from arthritis. I asked for my unpaid wages from my previous employer to be returned to me.
After receiving prayer, I stood up and my back cracked into place straight away. My neck was still a bit crackly, but it has healed in the time since. My finger is no longer sore, and I can now type properly again.
I start the new job this coming Monday and I finally received a portion of the unpaid wages. God is so good; He answered every single one of these prayers.
Anon. 17/5/24
Thank you, Father, for your faithfulness and healing. Thank you Lord Jesus. I can now eat WITHOUT PAIN! I have been struggling with pain and weakness in my jaw for over 2 months. I came to CHR for prayer and in 2 weeks I can feel my jaw is stronger than before and the pain has almost gone. Praise the Lord now and forever for His goodness and mercy. Despite my doubt, He is always faithful! All glory to you Lord!
Anon 29/4/24
I experienced a release from all anxiety and depression and my back pain was healed in Jesus name!
C.S. 23/4/24
I have chronic back pain. I had a lot of tightness and discomfort in my shoulders as they started to pray for me. Gradually the discomfort went and I felt lighter, but not without silent tears falling from my face. I had a sense of Jesus hugging me. The team prayed for my hips to come back into alignment. I will continue to pray for this to happen and thank God for my healing.
Jane 5/3/24
My request for prayer was for my Right arm. In 2008 I smashed the lower end of my humerus and now have a titanium prosthesis. It is a miracle that I was able to have that put in. It has been painful at times and uncomfortable on and off lately and I have been concerned about it. I have also had pain in my R shoulder. Thankfully I have been able to sleep as the arm and shoulder are now free of pain.
I thank God for the prayers and praise Him for healing and the kindness shown to me.
TK 22/3/24
I had a 2-month cough and heavy chest. Came to CHR and after prayer cough was about 50% reduced. I came a week later and I now have around 10% cough left. I felt a weight come off my chest at the time of prayer.
Anon. 16/2/24
Bones healed
I came to CHR back in 2007. I was hit by a 30-tonne truck. I had 2 broken collar bones and 2 broken scapulae. I was completely healed! I saw my specialist at the time and he thought I may need an operation – but that never happened.
MAJ 5/12/23
Family re-connected
Several times this year I attended CHR to be encouraged about the disconnection of my 8 children with me. God was faithful and I was greatly encouraged by 2 visions that showed that although my family was broken, God would repair the brokenness and the family would be better than before.
This has started with 7 out of my 8 children re-connecting with me. “What the enemy meant for evil God will turn to good”. (Gen 50:20)
Chris 5/12/23
I came to Capital Healing Rooms with an ongoing left shoulder problem, I had fear/anxiety of covid and driving. After receiving prayer and a word from the healing rooms team, I felt a peace. As I was leaving, I noticed the pain in my shoulder subsiding and just suddenly go. The fear of driving and Covid has gone. Since going to the healing rooms I have also been recognised at work for my experience and have received a pay rise! I give thanks and Praise to God! God is so good and faithful; He is our healer and provider! Thank you Jesus!
T.O. 20/10/23
In 2020 I was diagnosed with Leukaemia. I went from 100kilos to 45kilos in a few short weeks due to chemo. I had also suffered from painful boils.
My mum brought me to Capital Healing Rooms for some food assistance and whilst I was there, I decided to get some prayer. I no longer have Leukaemia and no more boils. I know Jesus healed me. I’m fit, healthy and I’m at a normal weight. Praise God!
Zelie 15/7/23
I had physical pain in my legs. I attended the Revive night at my Church – Vision - on Sunday where there was a healing emphasis and the preacher was from Capital Healing Rooms. The Lord Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit came upon me and I could feel the Lord’s fire on my face, then in my heart, then it went to my tummy and then to my legs. As soon as I was prayed for my legs felt the fire of God and since then I’ve had no pain in my legs. I've been walking around today, Monday, with no physical pain. Hallelujah!!
Rose Beard 3/7/23
Endometriosis Healed
For 20 years of my life, I had suffered from endometriosis, ever since I was a teenage girl. I had surgery and was on medication for years. Nothing worked to stop the severe pain and doctors always said it was something you had to live with. The pain in my body significantly worsened after my pregnancies and birth of my children a few years ago. After my 2nd child was born, it had worsened to pain every 2nd week on and off throughout the month, as well as horrible inflammation in my gums and mouth from hormonal changes in the body. This would last for days at a time, where I could not eat.
In May 2022 I attended a healing night at my church (Vision church). I did not know anything about God’s healing power at this point in my journey. The preacher was from Capital Healing Rooms and had mentioned an issue with ovaries in the word of knowledge he’d received from God. I did respond by standing, but did not go up for prayer. Sitting back in my seat while he prayed for the mentioned conditions, I immediately felt a sharp pain in that area and it left quickly. A few days passed and I felt something had changed in my body. I went into the Healing Rooms just to ask questions, and ended up receiving prayer from the team. The presence of God was amazing, and it was undeniable He had worked a miracle in my body, without me even asking! What an awesome God.
I can testify over a year later now, I have had NO PAIN at ANY point throughout the month anymore. Hallelujah! And no more gum inflammation. I literally walked into church one way and walked out another that night. He is so loving and cares about us so deeply.
Tanya 3/7/23
Trauma & Shoulder Injury
I injured my right shoulder 3 months ago in a bad car accident, where we collided with another car that was crossing a highway. Ever since I have not been able to raise my right arm higher than shoulder height without severe pain in the rotator cuff, bicep and surrounding tendons of the shoulder. Physio had not brought much relief.
I attended a healing service at Vision church and the preacher was from Capital Healing Rooms. I received prayer for my shoulder to be healed. During prayer, God revealed to the lady praying for me that there was emotional trauma from the accident, and I knew there still was. As soon as we prayed for that to leave, a sense of relief and peace filled my body and I could feel my shoulder loosening up.
I could immediately raise my arm all the way up to my ear with only pain at the very top range, but the pain was reduced significantly. A day later, the pain is now 80-90% less than it was. I know God will continue healing the rest of my shoulder now to full restoration. Praise our loving Father and the healing power that is in the name of Jesus!!
Tanya 3/7/23