Here is the report from our recent tour 10th - 21st Jan 2025.
We had another very fruitful time in Cambodia this year. It was such a blessing to see the improvement in the education standards of all the children in the four Cambodian Care Schools. We also travelled across the Mekong on a barge to Koh Dach island where we ministered to adults and children in the village surrounding a local church. We saw many people healed there and were able to bless the children with bags of school supplies to assist in their education. One lady came for prayer on a make shift walking stick made from PVC piping. She was quite unsteady on her feet and in a good deal of pain. After prayer she handed the walking stick to Koy and walked confidently up and down in front of the church so much so that when her friends reached out to help and steady her she waved them away as if to say “I don’t need any help!” Several others were healed from stomach pains, blurry vision which came clear after prayer, back and knee pains and there were smiles on so many faces after they had been touched by the healing presence of Jesus. We had lunch with the Pastor who several of his experiences during the violent rule of the Khmer Rouge. It was truly humbling to hear how he was the only one of his family to survive the massacre under Pol Pot’s rule and the lengths to which he had to go to just find water and food - going for many days without either. He bears many physical and emotional scars from this brutal time in Cambodia’s history and yet has such a wonderful sense of humour and a deep love for the Lord.
We travelled around 250kms north to a place called Snuol in the Kratie province where Cambodian Care has a school. We witnessed once again strong progress in the school children there many of whom still were wearing the shoes that we provided last year.
We also conducted a day’s training for the Cambodian Care teachers and staff on the topic of Discipline.
With such an ease ministering throughout the two weeks we were very aware of Holy Spirit’s Presence and favour everywhere we travelled. There were several Divine appointments including leading one of our taxi drivers to the Lord towards the end of the trip. He told us that one day he would like to be a Christian as his wife was. So we asked him “how about today”? As he invited Jesus into his life the tears began to fill his eyes and run down his cheeks. It’s the kindness of God that leads to repentance (Rom 2:4).
Once again we had the privilege to lay hands on and pray for every school child in the 4 schools we visited as well as distributing bags containing school supplies. We distributed around 800 de-worming tablets and 8,000 vitamins to all those who came to receive.
A big thank you to those who provided finance to assist us with this mission.
To God be all glory great things He has done!