Capital Healing Rooms

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Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his Holy name. Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. (Psa 103:1-5 NIV)

It’s a choice we can make to praise God in the midst of our circumstances. The promises in these verses apply to you and me today. Why not take a moment or two right now to ‘press the pause button on life’ and meditate on the richness of just these few verses? David spoke to his soul and ‘commanded’ it to bless the Lord.

We must remember we are spirit beings housed in a physical body with a soul. Once our spirit is born again of the Spirit of God, it is intended to be ‘in charge’ of our lives through a living, daily, ever growing intimacy with the Father through His Son Jesus. God never intended us to be driven by our souls (mind, will and emotions) – tossed to and fro by the winds of change and adversity blowing on and around us every day.

As we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can truly walk as the supernatural, extraordinary people we are destined to be. This is God’s plan for you and me - the supernatural becomes our natural. As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit residing in each of us. The same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, was poured out at Pentecost and many times since in ‘similar but different’ ways. This is the same Spirit who has been given to you and me for this very time in human history. Jesus promised we would do the things He did and greater things than these! Bring it on Lord!

We are totally reliant on His Presence and power to do all He’s called us to do in the ministry at the Healing Rooms. Without His Presence we can do nothing. Keeping this perspective removes all the pressure. It’s all about Him not us. We are hungry for more of His Presence and to see more of His power poured into the lives of those who come. We never want anyone to just have a ‘nice’ experience at the Healing Rooms but to have an encounter with our magnificent God and His awesome Presence, bringing transformation, healing and restoration to every aspect of their life where needed.

We have recently been more intentionally ‘pressing into God’ for increase in every area. Increase in His tangible Presence and power in the ministry rooms, increase in the number of people coming, in finance, partners and testimonies, increase in influence in the city and the number of churches represented on our team. An increase in those receiving Christ as their personal Saviour! Increase in those being ‘re-fired’ with the fresh fire of the Holy Spirit & increase in those desiring to be trained to join our team at the Healing Rooms in order to cope with the increase in the numbers of people coming for prayer we know is on the way.

Our God is a God of abundance. (See Eph 3:20). There were always basketfuls left over when Jesus fed a crowd – He’s the God of MORE than enough not 'just' enough.

Let me encourage you to stay hungry for more of His Presence and believe for more in your life as you walk in His ways.