Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the tests and trials in our lives were always preceded with an announcement “This is a test brought to you by the Heavenly Character Development Group Inc?"
Photo by Canva
However, this isn’t usually the case. For most of us, life’s tests and trials come out of left field with varying degrees of force and with corresponding variances in outcomes and consequences.
This side of eternity we don’t (or won’t) pass every test with flying colours but as the Bible assures us testing will come, we can fight it, or accept it and with God’s grace and strength endeavour to let the testing build character, integrity and strength into our lives on the way. Perhaps also be able to remind ourselves each and every time “IT’S ONLY A TEST”.
Right from the dawn of time there have been tests mankind has faced. Adam and Eve had to pass the test of integrity. The ‘fall of man’ as it is known was really about integrity. It wasn’t so much about Adam and Eve breaking the rules as such, it was more about God saying I’ve given you everything here to enjoy – just don’t touch this tree over there. You’ll show honour and respect by not touching this tree. He knew they would die (spiritually) if they touched it.
It was an opportunity for mankind to show honour, respect and obedience to God. Respect, trust and honour are destroyed by small things – in this case the fruit of the tree which was ‘pleasing to the eye’ as the Bible tells us. In our daily lives it is usually more in the way we speak to one another, how we respond under pressure and whether or not we have consistency in our lives – who we are when no one’s watching as it has been said.
Some tests in our lives come subtly, not always in an open or even stressful way – in issues of character and integrity this is often the way they present. There’s no one else but you there and you are presented with a choice of options between right and wrong. For example, the choice may be: -
• right - but not financially beneficial;
• right - but not morally pure however it may provide a few minutes of pleasure or relief from pain,
• right - but is going to require more humility than you’ve ever had to exercise before,
• right - but will mean ridicule or even being put out of the ‘cool’ group,
• right - but demands showing mercy and grace when the one who’s offended you shows no remorse.
Adam and Eve failed the test and we live with the consequences – fear, guilt, shame, blame and many other very real flow-on effects.
However, Jesus has been here and He walked this earth just like we do now and He passed the test. He left us with Holy Spirit, part of whose role is to empower us to pass the tests of life so we may become more like Jesus in thought, word and deed in order to be effective here on earth. This isn’t a dress rehearsal. It’s the main event. We only have one opportunity to live on earth.
It’s been said “our potential is unknown until it is proven”. You really don’t know how far you can run, how fast you can swim, how long you can go without chocolate or coffee until it is put to the test!
When we go to buy an appliance or a car, we want to know it is fit for purpose. We want to know there are quality control procedures in place.
When a new product is designed and before being mass produced, it is usually subjected to ‘accelerated life testing’ by operating it in elevated temperatures, pressures, humidity, or vibration – all to prove the product is going to be fit for purpose depending on the intended operating environment.
Who would want to turn on the blow dryer and find out it’s really a blow torch? Who would want to turn on the clothes dryer to find it barbeques your clothes? The reason the manufacturer can guarantee that won’t happen (as a rule) is the product has been through the testing process – to prove the product is safe.
Similarly, in our lives I believe we are presented with various tests to prove we’re fit for purpose – that we’re safe if you like. To prove we are: - a) people of character and integrity, b) to see what we can endure, c) whether we are reliable and ‘fit for purpose.’
I truly believe God has amazing things for each of us to do but we need to grow into those things as we’re honed, strengthened, and tested on the journey of life. Who we are and what we’re made of, or our ‘potential’ is only proved by testing.
Let me leave you with these verses from James 1:2-4 (NIV)
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
It’s only a test and the test(s) have a great purpose for our lives.
Next month we will examine 3 common tests we face in life.
Photo by Canva