Trauma & Shoulder Injury

I injured my right shoulder 3 months ago in a bad car accident, where we collided with another car that was crossing a highway. Ever since I have not been able to raise my right arm higher than shoulder height without severe pain in the rotator cuff, bicep and surrounding tendons of the shoulder. Physio had not brought much relief.

I attended a healing service at Vision church and the preacher was from Capital Healing Rooms.  I received prayer for my shoulder to be healed. During prayer, God revealed to the lady praying for me that there was emotional trauma from the accident, and I knew there still was. As soon as we prayed for that to leave, a sense of relief and peace filled my body and I could feel my shoulder loosening up.

 I could immediately raise my arm all the way up to my ear with only pain at the very top range, but the pain was reduced significantly. A day later, the pain is now 80-90% less than it was. I know God will continue healing the rest of my shoulder now to full restoration. Praise our loving Father and the healing power that is in the name of Jesus!!

Tanya 3/7/23


Endometriosis Healed


Shoulder Healed