Transformation Tour 2018 highlights
We have just returned from a very fruitful 2 weeks in Cambodia working alongside our friends and partners Koy and Reny Chhim at Cambodian Care. One thing that stood out more than on previous trips was the expectation of the people. It was so refreshing to see people expecting God to move. It was so 'easy' praying for people on this trip as the highlights below show.
After a service on the Sunday we prayed for a man who had injured his shoulder 10 days prior in a fall. He was unable to life his arm at all let alone rotate the shoulder joint. After just a short time of prayer we asked him to check out his shoulder. With an enormous grin on his face he said most of the pain was gone and started to lift up his arm to test it out. We prayed again and he said all pain now gone and he began to swing his arm around as if he was ready to swim a race at the Olympics!
3 women came for prayer. All had pain, fever and sore throats. Each of them testified they were totally healed with all pain, fevers and sore throats gone.
Man testifying about the phone call.
The pastor's wife had had pain in her hips and side for a year. After prayer it was all gone.
We travelled to a northern province in the middle of the country (Kratie - pronounced Krochess) to visit a school started by Cambodian Care nearly 4 years ago. It was a delight to see approximately 120 children who just a few years ago could not read or write and had no access to quality education so happy in their classrooms all reading writing and doing their maths!
We issued school supplies to each child along with anti-parasite medication and vitamins. After the children had been treated there were a group of parents remaining in the classroom. One man asked if he could give a testimony. (The man in the white shirt) Apparently a week prior he had rung our friend Koy for prayer as he was very ill in bed barely unable to speak and with a high fever. Koy took the call and after asking what the guy needed prayer for, all he could say before the phone ran out of credit was "in the Name of Jesus". The phone call abruptly ended!
The man testified to the group of parents that an hour later he got out of bed totally healed. He went next door to his neighbour who asked him what he was doing up as he had been so ill. He told his neighbour he had been healed.
1st man to be prayed for knee all healed!
After hearing this testimony we asked the group of parents who had pain they wanted to get rid of? Many hands were raised. We then asked who would like prayer? Most hands went down - except for one man (man with red shirt). He had bad knee pain. We prayed for him and the pain vanished. He's the man in the red shirt to the right. What followed was amazing. One after another they came for prayer and each person testified to being healed.
A young lady came up for prayer and said her red and white blood cells were all out of balance. The red were low and the white too high. This caused her to feel dizzy and unstable when she walked and she couldn't bend down at all. After prayer we asked her how she felt. She said she felt different so we asked her to walk up the back of the room and back which she did without any of the symptoms she had previously. We asked her to bend over - no problems at all. Her face tells the story. No more dizziness when she walked. She even bent down and there were no issues at all.
Lady with red and white blood cells out of balance.
This man was lying on the timber bench behind him as we left the Train Track school having just painted the room. He was in severe pain and could only just stand. Clearly he was in a lot of pain. He had hurt his back moving heavy rubbish containers that morning and his pain was compounded when he sneezed and his back went into spasm. He stood up very slowly when we asked him if we could pray. In just a few words the pain was commanded to leave his body in the Name of Jesus. We asked him to test it out and he began to swivel his hips like Elvis Presley and then bent down and touched his toes. All pain was gone and his flexibility had returned.
We showed the Jesus movie (in Khmer) at several villages. The last time it was shown was in a small village on an island across the Mekong River about 30 minutes from Phnom Penh city CBD. We had the opportunity to pray for several people after the movie. The man shown below had had pain his side for more than 6 months. We prayed and his response was "all the pain has gone - this is too quick." He couldn't believe this could happen so quickly. So we asked to him to check again. He pushed in his side where the pain had been and sure enough it was no longer there!
All pain in his side was gone after prayer. "This was too quick" he said.
A Buddhist lady with stomach pain and a headache said that when she was prayed for she felt fire in her stomach - which in her words was good. Needless to say when we asked her if the pain was gone she said yes! She was so grateful!
We had some fantastic news today from our recent trip to Cambodia! This boy had injured his eyes in an industrial accident late last year. He was working on a machine, fell asleep and he fell face forward into the machine and damaged his eyes. Apparently a piece of metal went into his left eye and he lost all sight in it. His right eye was injured too but he still had sight in that eye. We prayed for him in the first week we were there with little or no change. He was quite depressed and the doctors said there was little hope of him regaining sight in his left eye. We learned later he had been cursed by those in his work at the time of the accident. His grandmother brought him to church the following Sunday and we prayed again. He wore sunglasses all the time and when he removed them he could only see light with his left eye but not see any shapes etc. He had a white section in the coloured part of his eye and was still clearly quite depressed as a 16yr old. We heard today he is completely healed, the white section has gone and he can now see clearly with both eyes. No more sunglasses and a bright future Praise the Lord! Check out the video here