Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his Holy name. Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. (Psa 103:1-5 NIV)

It’s a choice we can make to praise God in the midst of our circumstances. The promises in these verses apply to you and me today. Why not take a moment or two right now to ‘press the pause button on life’ and meditate on the richness of just these few verses? David spoke to his soul and ‘commanded’ it to bless the Lord.

We must remember we are spirit beings housed in a physical body with a soul. Once our spirit is born again of the Spirit of God, it is intended to be ‘in charge’ of our lives through a living, daily, ever growing intimacy with the Father through His Son Jesus. God never intended us to be driven by our souls (mind, will and emotions) – tossed to and fro by the winds of change and adversity blowing on and around us every day.

As we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can truly walk as the supernatural, extraordinary people we are destined to be. This is God’s plan for you and me - the supernatural becomes our natural. As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit residing in each of us. The same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, was poured out at Pentecost and many times since in ‘similar but different’ ways. This is the same Spirit who has been given to you and me for this very time in human history. Jesus promised we would do the things He did and greater things than these! Bring it on Lord!

We are totally reliant on His Presence and power to do all He’s called us to do in the ministry at the Healing Rooms. Without His Presence we can do nothing. Keeping this perspective removes all the pressure. It’s all about Him not us. We are hungry for more of His Presence and to see more of His power poured into the lives of those who come. We never want anyone to just have a ‘nice’ experience at the Healing Rooms but to have an encounter with our magnificent God and His awesome Presence, bringing transformation, healing and restoration to every aspect of their life where needed.

We have recently been more intentionally ‘pressing into God’ for increase in every area. Increase in His tangible Presence and power in the ministry rooms, increase in the number of people coming, in finance, partners and testimonies, increase in influence in the city and the number of churches represented on our team. An increase in those receiving Christ as their personal Saviour! Increase in those being ‘re-fired’ with the fresh fire of the Holy Spirit & increase in those desiring to be trained to join our team at the Healing Rooms in order to cope with the increase in the numbers of people coming for prayer we know is on the way.

Our God is a God of abundance. (See Eph 3:20). There were always basketfuls left over when Jesus fed a crowd – He’s the God of MORE than enough not 'just' enough.

Let me encourage you to stay hungry for more of His Presence and believe for more in your life as you walk in His ways.

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


We read in Rev 3:20 it is our birthright to hear the Voice of God - “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”

God has been speaking from the beginning of time. He spoke and said...“Let there be light”. He spoke through ordinary men and women - Moses, Daniel, Deborah, David - to name a few - and God is still speaking today and will continue to speak to, and through, ordinary men and women like you and me. We even read in Numbers 22:22-30 God speaking through a donkey to get Balaam’s attention and to direct him. So there’s hope for you and me if God used a donkey! 😊

God can use anyone, anything and anyway to get His message to us and through us such is His desire to converse with us and to have relationship with His kids.

John 10:27 says... “My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me”.

If we know Jesus, the promise of God is we ‘HEAR’ His voice! In a world that is perishing, in the challenges facing us every day and in the busyness of life, we need to hear His voice - His direction, His guidance, His wisdom for every situation.

Prov 2:6 says...“The Lord gives wisdom, from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. He stores up wisdom for the upright.”

James 1:5 tells us...“If any of you lack wisdom, let Him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach”.

The Lord God wants to talk with us - He has everything we need stored up in heaven and He wants to share it with you and me. We only need to ask Him and He will give to us liberally and direct our steps.

He desires to speak to us MORE than our desire is to hear from Him! Jer 33:3 says “Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know”. The Greek word for ‘call’ is quara’ - to call out, cry out, to address someone - speak out. Here is an invitation for us to CALL on the Lord and His response is He will answer! He is waiting for us to quara’ Him!

Let me share with you a few keys to hearing God’s voice - not an exhaustive list but one to activate you in hearing His voice.

1. POSITION, POSITION, POSITION!! - In order to hear what God would say to us, we need to first POSITION ourselves to LISTEN. In other words, slow down and spend time in His presence. Posture yourself to receive from the Lord. Jesus removed Himself from crowds to spend time alone with His Father. We read in the Gospels He often withdrew to a mountain, the wilderness or a solitary place to pray and spend time with His Father. He needed to be free of distractions with people vying for His time. Whenever Jesus spent time alone with His Dad, a miracle soon followed. I kind of think He was listening to what the Father was saying and watching what the Father was doing (John 5:19). It would behove us all to model this discipline in our lives.

2. LOOKING TO GOD! - Be expectant to hear from Him. Look for any visions - pictures, dreams, that still small voice - God loves to speak to us in this way and there are many recordings of dreams and visions in the Bible. Be expectant for God to speak to you. I encourage you to do a search of all the dreams and visions given to people in the Bible as there is not time to go through them now. They will encourage you and increase your faith and understanding that our Father in heaven wants to converse with His children!

3. DON’T COMPLICATE IT! In the Healing Rooms we adopt the K.I.S.S. principle in all we do in healing, hearing and activating what God has told us - KEEP IT SIMPLE SAINT!! We can over think and complicate hearing God’s voice by ‘second guessing’ what we’ve heard. By not listening to the ‘first’ voice - by straining and striving to hear something else as you are tossing up whether that ‘first’ word was the Lord. Let me encourage all of us - if we’ve asked God to speak to us and we’ve positioned ourselves, looking expectantly to hear what He has to say to us, then we can trust Him to speak. His words are loving, kind, full of compassion and mercy, uplifting, healing, restorative, purposeful, directional and He only has the best for His kids.

4. WRITE IT DOWN! Journal what the Lord is saying to you. What He is saying to you now might be for a future time. So you don’t forget. Put pen to paper so you have a record of it.

My encouragement to all of us is to make time to hear His voice - make it a priority every day to come into His presence and wait on Him. You will not be disappointed and you will probably be surprised and delighted at the things He will tell and show you.

Blessings - Roslynne

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


In our ever-increasing pace of life, with instant gratification, high speed internet, microwave popcorn and offers of losing 15kg in the first 10 days of the latest diet trend, how many of you reading this article would consider yourself a patient person?

We seem to be bombarded more and more with the latest offers of financial security, improved fitness, the perfect body type or shape (whatever that looks like) and yet I’m reminded through life’s day to day circumstances nothing worthwhile comes quickly or easily.

I read recently nothing great is created suddenly. The highest form of God’s creation – humans, take around 40 weeks from conception to the point where the new life is ready to be born. Then follows decades of growth, learning, character development to produce a life that can truly make a difference and leave a lasting legacy.

A diamond is created with great heat and enormous pressure and a lot of time! Did you know it takes much more heat to produce gold than it does tin? Of course, there is a place for tin in our world but to which would you rather be compared, tin or gold?

It is in the heat of the furnace; gold is refined and the dross or impurities removed. It is in the heat of the blacksmith’s forge, the steel is toughened, hardened and tempered to make it for its final use.

I shared recently with our team some of the encouragements with which the apostle Paul commended the young church at Thessalonica. This church perhaps only 3-5 years old were already exhibiting ‘work produced by faith, labour prompted by love and endurance inspired by hope’. (1 Thess 1:3)

Endurance or patience is an attribute just so vital to the life of faith perhaps even more so now, in the times in which we live. James puts it this way – “count it all joy” (or pure joy as another translation puts it) “when you go through various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience” James 1:2 (NKJV).

There is clear evidence of the fruit that is to be harvested from a time of testing or trial – patience or perseverance. This is the gold to be taken from the times of trial and testing. I love the next line from James in this famous passage – “Perseverance (patience) must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything” (James 1:4 NIV)

Not long before He was crucified, Jesus was reassuring His followers a Helper (Holy Spirit) was going to come and be with them. He told them of the things that were to happen in the days following and concluded this time of teaching by saying to them “I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble but take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NIV). The Greek word here for peace contains far more than our English word. It has within its meaning security, safety, prosperity, quietness and rest.

The Prince of Peace makes this promise to us!

We can take great courage and strength from these words. Come what may, we have an Advocate, Saviour and friend, One who has conquered death and the grave. One who has experienced all we face in this world, but has also overcome and won a most magnificent victory for all those who would call on His Name!

Paul exhorts Timothy, his young protégé to pursue - (literally to run swiftly in order to catch, seek after earnestly in order to acquire) righteousness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.

This isn’t a ‘passive activity’ – waiting for God to drop these traits into our lap. We are to pursue them. One of the ways I believe we can more successfully pursue patience and the other wonderful attributes of which Paul speaks, is to allow the Lord to work in our lives in the MIDST of the trials.

I’ve been on the planet long enough to have my share of trials, tests and hardships. However, I can look back with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight and testify to the Lord’s hand at work in each and every situation – be it sickness, relationship challenges, financial loss, retrenchment, unemployment, grief and so many more. If I’m honest, I wasn’t experiencing great joy in the midst of these trials but praise God He sustained me and brought me through - and always to a better place!

The writer to the Hebrews reminds us we inherit the promises (of His Word) through faith and patience. (Heb 6:12). In the ‘instant’ society in which we live, we would prefer to inherit the promises without the patience ‘component’. However, as I have said many times before, if you want Kingdom results, you have to do life the Kingdom way. In my experience there are no short cuts to a life of character, integrity and holiness.

Nothing of any lasting value comes without a cost, hard work and patience. My wife and I have been working on our marriage for nearly 4 decades and there are still areas in which we can improve (speaking for myself of course). However I can testify to our marriage improving with each passing year. We both have had (and will to continue to have) many opportunities for patience to grow and ‘have it’s perfect work’, simply because our desire is ‘to be mature and complete lacking nothing’.

Patience is a fruit of the Spirit. Therefore, as we intentionally host more of the Spirit’s presence in our lives, I believe we will see more of the Spirit’s fruit displayed. It’s a given that as He takes more of His rightful place, we see more of His character manifested in our daily life.

Perhaps you are still on the wrong side of your breakthrough and in the natural it seems so far off. Perhaps there are still some promises or prophetic words yet to be fulfilled.

There are probably very few people to which this wouldn’t apply. The Bible says “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise as some count slackness but is long suffering towards us not willing that any should perish” (2 Peter 3:9)

He is the only One who is faithful and true to His Word. That which He said He will do He will indeed do in His perfect timing – great is His faithfulness!

May I encourage you to keep pushing through in the midst of whatever circumstance in which you find yourself and to trust the One who holds the universe in His Mighty Hands to work all things for your good – if you love God and are called according to His purpose, that is a rock-solid promise on which you can carve your name (Rom 8:28).

The river breaks through the rock not because of its power but because of its persistence.

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


 Recently I sensed Holy Spirit whisper… “eager expectation”. As I began to ponder these words, I was encouraged to find so many places in Scripture referring to eager expectation.

We have great (eager) expectation for breakthrough in every area of the ministry here at CHR and as I began to delve into the Word, I was reminded of just how important it is to have eager expectation. It’s an active posture and not one of just ‘hoping’ things will change.

There are several words used in various translations for ‘expectation’ however it isn’t my goal to do a thorough study of each of these. However, for our purpose here to highlight just a few key points when it comes to ‘eager expectation’.

The first account of this eager expectation in the gospels is found in Luke 3:15. The scene if you will, opens early in this chapter with John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus. He is preaching confession of sins & repentance. Verse 15 says “the people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Christ.”

It is significant I believe the people were waiting expectantly. They weren’t passive but actively and almost with bated breath looking for the coming of the long-prophesied Messiah.

John too had been waiting expectantly for the Messiah. Mark’s account tells us “the whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they were baptised in the Jordan river” (Mark 1:5). God had told him “the man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is He who will baptize with the Holy Spirit” (See John 1:33). We see from this John was (eagerly) expecting to see the Holy Spirit rest on someone he would soon baptise. John saw Jesus coming towards him, amongst many others no doubt and declares those famous words “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). 

The Bible says in Rom 8:24-25 (NIV) “…who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have we wait for it patiently.” However, the original language actually means to ‘assiduously’ wait for it i.e., to wait with great care and perseverance or expect eagerly.

We are therefore to hope with eager expectation!

When I was a young child my mother had declared we would NEVER get a colour TV, because “we can’t afford it” (showing my age now). Somehow, she must have weakened and one was purchased. It was a 20” Panasonic (how’s that for high tech?) and was to be delivered on a particular Friday afternoon. I clearly remember my brother and I watching out the lounge room window each and every car go past from the time we arrived home from school well into the evening just hoping the next car or delivery van would turn into our driveway. The ‘assiduous waiting’ with eager expectation was growing dim as 5, 6, 7 and 8pm passed with both of us glued to the window. Just when it appeared our waiting was in vain and we were being directed to our bedrooms in a state of abject disappointment, around 9pm there was a knock on the door and our new TV had arrived! I can still vividly recall the ‘eager expectation’ with which we waited. It was tangible and filled with great expectation.

I love what Psa 119:131 says. “I pant with expectation longing for your commands”. ‘Pant’ here literally means to earnestly desire – O that we would all earnestly desire the Lord’s commands with eager expectation!

Finally, we could look at so many examples from Scripture of those with ‘eager expectation’. We could begin with Abraham who was fully persuaded God was able to do what He had promised. However, as I bring this article to a close, 3 people come to mind.

The first is the woman with the issue of blood we read of in Matt 9. Here was a woman who simply shouldn’t have been in a public place. One who had spent all she had for twelve long, painful and embarrassing years and her condition only deteriorated. I believe it was with eager expectation she said to herself “if only I touch His cloak I will be healed” (Matt 9:21) the day she ‘stole her miracle’ from Jesus. As He felt (healing) power go out from Him, He declared to her “your faith has healed you” (Matt 9:22).

He didn’t pray for her, beg His Father to heal her, or lay hands on her (she laid her hands on Him). There’s a clear link shown here between eager expectation, great faith and healing.

The second is the Syrophoenician woman whose daughter was demonised (See Matt 15:22-28). She persisted and persisted with Jesus despite Him initially ignoring her, dismissing her, and then in our eyes insulting her. Clearly recognising He was The Healer who could bring freedom to her daughter who wasn’t even present in her encounter with the Saviour. Once again His response to her eager expectation was“Woman you have great faith! Your request is granted” (Matt 15:28).

The final one is the leper who approached Jesus (See Matt 8:1-4). This scene is so beautifully portrayed in the 6th Episode of The Chosen. Here’s a man deemed unclean by society. An outcast unable to work, support himself (or his family) and totally reliant on begging and perhaps scavenging for his survival. I believe he had eager expectation to even approach Jesus and simply but profoundly says to Him, “Lord if you are willing you can make me clean.” What else but eager expectation would have caused this man to risk harm to approach the Master with such a faith filled, and yet risky statement?

Jesus reply was so full of love and compassion. “I am willing be clean!” ‘Willing’ here literally means “I would be delighted to or it would give me great pleasure”. The leper was immediately cured and could therefore get on with his life. What a transformation coming from eager expectation!

“Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isa 40:31

“Wait” here means to look eagerly for, to lie in wait for in order to ‘ambush’.  Waiting on the Lord is not sitting back passively waiting for Him to do something but to press in Him with eager expectation in order to have our strength renewed and soar like an eagle.

May I encourage you to come to the Lord with eager expectation whether you need healing, breakthrough, direction, wisdom or provision. He has paid in full for our healing, salvation and deliverance and died to give us an abundant life bringing glory to His Name.        

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


In last month’s newsletter we examined the role of tests in our lives and the God given purpose they have in building our character, patience and ensuring we are mature and complete lacking nothing as James puts it. (see James 1:2-4).  You can read last month’s article here

We read about Moses and the burning bush in Exodus 3. God used the bush to get Moses’ attention.  What was the state of the bush after it was used by God for His purpose?  It wasn’t consumed the Bible tells us. 

It’s the same for you and me.  It would be totally pointless to use us for His purpose if it was going to destroy us. The tests come, I believe, not only to prove we’re fit for purpose but also to ensure we’ll last.

We have a choice to make every time we’re faced with tests in our lives. If we see them as opportunities to grow, mature and develop both character and endurance, then I believe our approach to them can be a more productive experience – just tell yourself it’s only a test and ask the question, what does God want to teach me here? 

Let me remind you James tells us it is good for us to go through tests – there is a reward of the testing – we would be mature and complete lacking nothing.  (see James 1:4). So let’s look at 3 common tests that come our way.


This test comes to see if we have what it takes to handle the bigger things in God’s plan for our lives.

We read the parable of the talents in Matt 25:14-28. Jesus says to the first two servants “you have been faithful in the little things (or with a few things) I will put you in charge of many things.”

Faithfulness in the little things brings greater authority and responsibility.

I started my manufacturing career while still studying engineering at university by doing process work in a run-down, rat-infested factory in Sydney.  It was boring, repetitive, mind numbing work however as I carried out the task diligently, (not always with patience), promotion came and I was moved on to bigger and more important tasks.

I recall a world-famous archery coach telling me his students did nothing in the first three months under his tutelage except pull back on the bow for hours at a time.  There were no arrows, no targets just repetitively pulling back on the bow.  Many gave up as they told him they came to “learn to shoot not just pull back on the bow.”  The ‘lack of faithfulness’ had them give up.

What are you doing with the things in your hands right now? Are you wasting any talents? Have you buried any?  How are you contributing to God’s work here?  The Bible tells us “we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, God prepared in advance for us to do.” Eph 2:10


This test comes to us in the form of a spiritual drought or dry season to prove whether or not we can really press in to God even when we feel like He’s not there.

It’s interesting to note tests in the educational sense i.e. in a school, college or university are normally taken when the person should have the resources already – to prove they know the work.

Note the teacher is always silent in the test.  The student takes the test with the teacher totally silent.

Often the same applies in life – we can take the test in total silence.  Have you ever noticed sometimes when you’re “sitting the test” it seems heaven is silent?

Why is that? To prove we can pass the test.  But here’s another interesting FACT – we can always do the test as an OPEN BOOK TEST.  “Your Word have I hid in my heart – so I might not sin against you.” Ps 119:11.

His Word is always there with us and we can take the test ‘open book’. We can always draw on the resources in God’s Word to help us pass the test.

Proverbs 17:3 says “The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart.”  

It’s our heart attitude in which God is interested.  “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (see Matt 12:34).  What’s in our hearts will be tested over and over again, but more importantly it’s the God factor in the heart that will sustain us when the other senses and even our spirits don’t feel He is near.  Similarly, if our hearts are full of strife, bitterness or unforgiveness, we will be crushed in the times when we don’t ‘feel’ God.  It’s the springs of living water welling up from within that sustain us in the dry times (see John 7:38).

Consider these two scriptures in Ps 119 relating to testing.

Ps 119:67 Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word.

Ps 119:71 It was good for me that I was afflicted that I might learn your decrees. (emphasis added)

Testing is for our own good and the wilderness, the “affliction” the Bible speaks of here can actually draw us closer to God and keep us from going astray if we let it.

3.         THE OFFENSE TEST.

This test comes to see how good we are at forgiveness and how easily we are offended.

There’s a huge difference between being offended (the temporary feeling of the offence) and the emotional, mental and spiritual state of BEING OFFENDED.

Heb 12:14-15 “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”

Rom 12:8 “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”

Offence in the original language is ‘skandalon’ from which we get the English word scandal.  This Greek word ‘skandalon’ translated means to trap or snare.  We get trapped in offences all too easily.

God in His great mercy sent Jesus to take away the sin of the world.  We need to be prepared to show mercy to one another.  “Blessed are the merciful, they will be shown mercy.” Matt 5:7 

Let me leave you with some scriptures to meditate on in the coming days.

1 Thess 4:11 “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands.”  Paul isn’t talking about being dull and boring but keeping our noses out of matters that don’t concern us.

Ps 119:165 “Great peace have they who love your law and nothing shall make them stumble” (or offend them).

We can’t always change what’s happened, been said or done (or not said and not done) but we can change how we respond and react when offences come.

Let’s remember the testing of our faith produces perseverance, and perseverance leads us to maturity and completeness if we allow it.

Remember it’s only a test.

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the tests and trials in our lives were always preceded with an announcement “This is a test brought to you by the Heavenly Character Development Group Inc?"

Photo by Canva

However, this isn’t usually the case. For most of us, life’s tests and trials come out of left field with varying degrees of force and with corresponding variances in outcomes and consequences.

This side of eternity we don’t (or won’t) pass every test with flying colours but as the Bible assures us testing will come, we can fight it, or accept it and with God’s grace and strength endeavour to let the testing build character, integrity and strength into our lives on the way. Perhaps also be able to remind ourselves each and every time “IT’S ONLY A TEST”.

Right from the dawn of time there have been tests mankind has faced. Adam and Eve had to pass the test of integrity. The ‘fall of man’ as it is known was really about integrity. It wasn’t so much about Adam and Eve breaking the rules as such, it was more about God saying I’ve given you everything here to enjoy – just don’t touch this tree over there. You’ll show honour and respect by not touching this tree. He knew they would die (spiritually) if they touched it.

It was an opportunity for mankind to show honour, respect and obedience to God. Respect, trust and honour are destroyed by small things – in this case the fruit of the tree which was ‘pleasing to the eye’ as the Bible tells us. In our daily lives it is usually more in the way we speak to one another, how we respond under pressure and whether or not we have consistency in our lives – who we are when no one’s watching as it has been said.

Some tests in our lives come subtly, not always in an open or even stressful way – in issues of character and integrity this is often the way they present. There’s no one else but you there and you are presented with a choice of options between right and wrong. For example, the choice may be: -

• right - but not financially beneficial;

• right - but not morally pure however it may provide a few minutes of pleasure or relief from pain,

• right - but is going to require more humility than you’ve ever had to exercise before,

• right - but will mean ridicule or even being put out of the ‘cool’ group,

• right - but demands showing mercy and grace when the one who’s offended you shows no remorse.

Adam and Eve failed the test and we live with the consequences – fear, guilt, shame, blame and many other very real flow-on effects.

However, Jesus has been here and He walked this earth just like we do now and He passed the test. He left us with Holy Spirit, part of whose role is to empower us to pass the tests of life so we may become more like Jesus in thought, word and deed in order to be effective here on earth. This isn’t a dress rehearsal. It’s the main event. We only have one opportunity to live on earth.

It’s been said “our potential is unknown until it is proven”. You really don’t know how far you can run, how fast you can swim, how long you can go without chocolate or coffee until it is put to the test!

When we go to buy an appliance or a car, we want to know it is fit for purpose. We want to know there are quality control procedures in place.

When a new product is designed and before being mass produced, it is usually subjected to ‘accelerated life testing’ by operating it in elevated temperatures, pressures, humidity, or vibration – all to prove the product is going to be fit for purpose depending on the intended operating environment.

Who would want to turn on the blow dryer and find out it’s really a blow torch? Who would want to turn on the clothes dryer to find it barbeques your clothes? The reason the manufacturer can guarantee that won’t happen (as a rule) is the product has been through the testing process – to prove the product is safe.

Similarly, in our lives I believe we are presented with various tests to prove we’re fit for purpose – that we’re safe if you like. To prove we are: - a) people of character and integrity, b) to see what we can endure, c) whether we are reliable and ‘fit for purpose.’

I truly believe God has amazing things for each of us to do but we need to grow into those things as we’re honed, strengthened, and tested on the journey of life. Who we are and what we’re made of, or our ‘potential’ is only proved by testing.

Let me leave you with these verses from James 1:2-4 (NIV)

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

It’s only a test and the test(s) have a great purpose for our lives.

Next month we will examine 3 common tests we face in life.

Photo by Canva

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


Jesus said “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

John 20:21-22

Jesus was sent by the Father to destroy (undo) the works of the enemy and He sends us into the world to do the same, empowered and equipped for the task. Aren’t you glad He promised never to leave or forsake us?

It was for our benefit He went back to the Father so Holy Spirit could come. When Jesus was on earth, He performed many miracles but He was limited to being in one place at one time (just like we are) because He was here as a man – God in human form. He surrendered His omnipresence in coming to earth. When He returned to heaven and Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost, He was no longer limited by ‘the one place at a time’ restriction of humanity. What a magnificent plan God has had right from the start!

He dwells in the heart of every believer and He has sent us (commissioned us) to do His work here on earth and to do our part in preparing for His return.

What a privilege to be in the Master’s service! What a joy to be able to pray for those who are lost, hurting, ill and injured in the community and watch Holy Spirit minister the healing presence of Jesus, the Father’s love and so much more.

Are you ready for all that He has for you? As we take Him at His Word and continue to watch for those God-given opportunities, He will put people across our path who need a touch from God. Can I encourage you today to always be prepared with five simple words: - “May I pray for you?” In the workplace, in the supermarket, at the gym or wherever it is you ‘hang out’, look for opportunities to bless and you’ll find them.

I believe Holy Spirit is looking for those who are willing to simply step out and trust Him for the rest. At the Healing Rooms and for several of our team, while going about their daily routine, we are being given more and more opportunities to bless, encourage, heal, restore, deliver and offer the priceless gift of salvation to many in such desperate need. The world, perhaps now more than ever before, needs the Saviour and the Prince of Peace to smash the fear pervading our communities in these strange times.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and we are hungry to see His power and life-giving Spirit at work in our community. We’re not satisfied to simply read the history books of wonderful revivals of the past, where whole cities were turned upside down for Jesus, but eagerly desire to be a part of changing (or making) history here in Canberra (and beyond) for the honour of the Name which is above every other name – JESUS! We’ve truly believe the best is yet to come!

He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. We have to lose our life – die to self, die to our agendas and selfish desires, to really see the fullness of the Spirit operating in our lives. As we diligently pursue the Father, all of the fullness of heaven will come and invade, permeate, saturate, marinate, pervade and ooze out from us so everyone with whom we have contact will receive a touch of heaven! That’s our prayer, is it yours too? Be ready for His supernatural power to invade our world.

Keep coming Holy Spirit!

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


And I will not hide My face from them anymore; for I shall have poured out My Spirit on the house of Israel,’ says the Lord GOD. Ezekiel 39:29

We are seeking more of God’s presence at the Healing Rooms & even more so in this strange season in which we find ourselves. We aren’t able to lay hands on our guests at the moment due to Covid 19 restrictions in place. However, this is an even greater opportunity for our guests to experience His powerful Presence (to which many have testified since we have reopened). Our guests aren’t able to say ‘this one or that one laid hands on me and I felt such anointing’ so all the glory goes to Jesus, which of course has always been the case.

In the Old Testament we read time and again where the visible presence of God was seen not only by God’s people but also by everyone present.

The Israelites, following the exodus from Egypt, asked Moses to talk to God on their behalf and to pass on to them what He had said. (See Ex 20:19). The Bible says “the people remained at a distance while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.” (v21)

Moses went up the mountain and spent a long time with God – so much so the Israelites weren’t sure when he was coming back! Many know the story only too well – they asked Aaron to make some gods for them and of course before long Aaron had made the golden calf.

God’s anger burned against His people and He was about to wipe them out but as we read in Exodus 32 Moses wasn’t afraid to remind Him of the covenant He’d made with Abraham – the Bible records “…then the Lord relented and did not bring disaster on the people” (Ex 32:14). How could Moses get God to change His mind? I believe it was on the basis of relationship.

Moses was one who met with God face-to-face. It was out of this intimate relationship he was able to remind God of His covenant.

Moses said to God “if Your Presence doesn’t go with us from here then don’t send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and your people unless You go with us. What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” (Ex 33:15-16).

The distinguishing attribute Moses was so keen to have in order to have others see he and the Israelites were different, (not better) but markedly different, was the Presence of God.

His Presence is just so important for what we’re called to do here at the Healing Rooms. If His Presence isn’t here, then at best it may be a ‘nice’ experience for those who come – but who wants ‘nice’? We long to see His power poured out in such measure that visitors are healed in the waiting room before receiving prayer! Why not? Peter’s shadow healed those on whom it fell. (Acts 5:12-16) Paul’s handkerchiefs and aprons brought healing to those they touched.

How could this be? I would put to you these two men were people of Presence. In other words, they spent time in the Presence of Jesus. They were ‘full of His Spirit’ so the anointing to heal the sick & deliver the oppressed could not be contained.

Peter and John on their way to pray at the temple, encountered a man who had been lame for over 40 years and was begging at the Gate Beautiful. Many will be familiar with the story. What he wanted (money) they didn’t have but what he NEEDED (healing) they had. They released the healing Presence of Jesus onto this man. Peter simply took him by the right hand and instantly, the Bible declares, ‘’his ankles became strong and he went walking and leaping and praising God.” (see Acts 3:6-8)

This of course upset the religious people of the day and Peter and John were brought before the Sanhedrin – those who were more focussed on keeping the law than seeing people who were lost found, sick healed and demonised delivered.

Peter spoke up boldly before them and declared it was the Name of Jesus who had healed this man. (See Acts 4:10)

Acts 4:13-14 says “When they (the Sanhedrin) saw the courage of Peter and John and realised they were unschooled ordinary men; they were astonished and took note these men had been with Jesus. But since they could see the man who had been healed standing with them, THERE WAS NOTHING THEY COULD SAY!” (emphases added).

They had been in the Presence of Jesus and as a result were able and empowered to do mighty signs and wonders.

God’s very nature and character is one of intimate relationship. Right from the beginning of time He said - “let US make man in OUR image.” That speaks of relationship. There’s probably no better example of intimate relationship than the Trinity – 3 distinct persons in one – so close in relationship there is perfect intimacy.

That’s what we’re pursuing at the Healing Rooms – greater intimacy with Father, Son and Holy Spirit because it is out of that place of intimacy- where His tangible presence is felt by all who come here. People will find the liberty, joy, deliverance, salvation and healing as a result of entering into His Presence.

We’re living in the days of a new and better covenant. If it was the experience of the Old Testament people to SEE the manifest presence of God, how much MORE should we experience His tangible presence now!

As born again, Spirit filled believers we get to carry the presence of God everywhere we go – how good is that?! It is no longer restricted to the Tent of Meeting or Solomon’s temple but we take the Holy Spirit into each and every situation!

As sons and daughters of the King – in other words royal family – we should expect to change the very atmosphere of every place we enter. Not through arrogance, but out of knowing who we are in Christ! If we are really seated with Him in heavenly places (Eph 2:6) then we should EXPECT to change the atmosphere wherever we are because the Presence of royalty demands a response. Darkness flees when the light arrives – it has no choice!

What an awesome privilege it is to carry the manifest presence of God into people’s dark worlds and simply pour the light of Christ into circumstances.

Of course, one of the great keys to healing is forgiveness. When we, by an act of our will, and relying on the grace (enabling power) of Jesus, choose to release those who have hurt us in any way and also to bless them, we’ve seen time and again captives being set free often from decades of pain and suffering! Praise God! One person remarked recently “is it really that easy?” Yes it is! Forgiveness releases us from the control the offender has over us and ejects the ‘DVD’ playing in our heads going over and over the offence. It removes any ‘legal reason’ the enemy has to keep us in a place where Jesus paid for us not to be!

Jesus said I no longer call you servants but friends because a servant doesn’t know his master’s business. (John 15:14)

He also said, ‘if you love Me, you’ll obey my commands… he who loves me will be loved by my Father and I will show myself to him.’ (See John 15:21)

He promised to reveal Himself to us – reveal the mysteries of the kingdom to those who love and obey Him. Let me encourage you to pursue more of His wonderful Presence in your life and expect to have Him ‘show up’ powerfully everywhere you go!

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


Jesus said “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt … you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matt 21:21-22

There’s a progression here. When you pray, if you BELIEVE you will RECEIVE. Faith is the currency of heaven and we see from scripture it is not the amount of faith that’s significant, but simply that faith is evident.

The man whose son was afflicted with the evil spirit, said to Jesus “I believe please help my unbelief.” Jesus replied “everything is possible to him who believes.”

Jesus responded to everyone who came to Him seeking healing, irrespective of the sickness, spiritual or physical, with the same response – He reached out and healed them. A notable exception was the woman with the issue of blood, After suffering for 12 years she reached out and ‘extracted’ her miracle from Him – however His response was the same – “Daughter your faith has healed you.” (Mark 5:34)

That’s why we must take a stand against unbelief. It will rob us every time if we let it. Jesus said to the 2 blind men in Matthew 9:27 “Do you believe I am able to do this (heal you)?” They responded with “Yes Lord” and He said, “According to your faith it will be done to you.” It’s clear a response is necessary on our part when we come to Him for healing or anything else. The Bible says “without faith it’s impossible to please God.” (Heb 11:6)

I heard it said recently “doubt is just faith in the wrong God”. When we listen to the enemy’s lies, it is so easy to begin to doubt all manner of things:- God’s goodness, His faithfulness or even His ability to ‘rescue’ us from the situation in which we find ourselves. It’s not about living in denial but denying the problem or issue the right to take pre-eminence in our thoughts or emotions.

We must choose to stay focussed on the One who went to the Cross, bled and died so we might live in freedom from the enemy’s schemes.

It is interesting to contemplate how much time or attention we would give to a person who had been convicted of multiple counts of fraud, lying under oath, murder or vandalism. Yet when we listen to satan’s accusations or threats that is exactly what we are doing. Jesus said “the enemy only comes to rob, kill and destroy” – John 10:10. Fortunately He went on to declare He came so we could have abundant life.

Many times, we have had people come for prayer to the Healing Rooms and they’ve said they’re not sure if they have enough faith to believe for their healing. We are able to encourage them those praying for them have the faith to believe FOR them. This is in keeping with scripture as seen in the account of the four men who ripped the roof off a house and lowered their paralysed friend before Jesus feet. (Mark 2:1-5).

I believe many people believe God CAN heal, or meet their needs etc, but let me encourage you to make His great and precious promises your own! Put your name on them and speak them out over your life!

His very nature and character is to heal, save, restore, redeem and deliver and He paid the ultimate price to ensure we could live in freedom. Don’t settle for remaining in a place where Jesus paid for you not to be. He came that we might have life and have it to the full.

On several occasions, in the last 16 years, He has sovereignly brought deliverance from demonic oppression to the guest in just a few minutes of prayer.

The world in which we live in July 2020 is a vastly different place to what it was even 6 months ago. None of us know what the future holds but we know WHO holds the future. The one thing of which we can be sure:- Jesus is still on the throne and has a remarkable plan for your life and mine. He is the One who remains unchanged, the same yesterday, today and forever and the One who still heals, saves, restores and delivers.

“This is the reason I urge you to boldly believe for whatever you ask for in prayer—believe that you have received it and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24 (The Passion Translation)

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Gal 2:20

Can you say, Christ lives in you? Let me pose another question. Have you invited Jesus into your life as Lord? If so then Christ lives in you. Have you noticed a difference since He came to live in your heart?

Jesus is alive and He’s alive in every believer. I believe when the One who spoke this world into existence comes to ‘my place’, there should be a noticeable difference and those around me should be able to tell!

Col 2:9-10 says “For in Christ ALL the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been GIVEN fullness in Christ.” (emphasis added). You see in Jesus is all the fullness of the Godhead or Trinity and He comes to live in us by His Spirit so we therefore have the fullness of the Godhead in us! Very simple, but incredibly profound.

When Jesus touched anything, it was changed forever. He touched a leper and he was cleansed. He touched coffins and they opened. He touched food and it multiplied; hard hearts and they softened (woman at the well see John 4); blind eyes opened; demons fled as did fevers; the mute spoke and the deaf heard. Children were blessed and all who touched Him were healed.

In the book of Acts, we read many signs and wonders were done through the hands of the apostles (Acts 5:12). Peter and John simply laid hands on people and they received the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17).

Can you see what a difference Christ made in these early apostles? The same is true of us today. Christ in us, the Hope of glory, wants to make a difference to our world – not just to us on Sundays when we gather together to worship, but to our everyday world!

Have you ever been in a room into which another person walked and it seemed like the atmosphere shifted (in a good way). There was something about them that perhaps released the presence of God in a powerful way?

We read in 1 Kings 10 the Queen of Sheba had heard about Solomon’s fame and wisdom and she came to visit him and test him out with “hard questions”. Solomon not only answered all her questions but she was so overwhelmed with his wisdom, the Bible says “there was no spirit left in her” – literally it took her breath away. (1 Kings 10:5 NKJV).

I believe we are meant to be ‘thermostats’ and not ‘thermometers. In other words, we should be setting the ‘temperature’ of the room and not simply measuring it – responding to the temperature set by our experiences, current circumstances or how we feel on any given day. You see a thermostat sets the temperature a thermometer measures it.

When we fully know who we are in Christ but more so who He is in us, then I believe we can and should change the atmosphere of the rooms into which we walk. When we know we walk in the authority of heaven, demons have to flee. We can speak to sickness and disease and command it to go in Jesus Name. Jesus said we would do greater works than He did while here. John 14:12.

The words of Phil Wickham’s Song “At Your Name” come strongly to mind. “At Your name the mountains shake and crumble, at Your Name the oceans roar and tumble, at Your Name angels will bow, the earth will rejoice, the people cry out… At Your name the morning breaks in glory at Your Name creation sings your story…”

Does His Name on our lips change the atmosphere around and about us, bring healing and release life? I believe it should. The Bible declares at the Name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue confess He is Lord to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:10-11)

When we lay hands on someone in faith we connect them to the power of heaven – Divine power can flow each and every time. As one author put it, we get to be ‘power brokers’ – messengers of heaven delivering prophetic insights, healing and deliverance. Are you encouraged?

When Christ comes to live in us, He makes a difference and He extends to us the unbelievable privilege of partnering with Him to change the course of history in the lives of those with whom we have contact.

The Father is seeking disciples, not just Christians who ‘wear a label’ but a radical band of disciples (a learner, pupil or follower) of His Son Jesus.

Many years ago, a man (and his wife) came for prayer as he had a life-threatening illness. They came week after week for many months and encountered the Presence of God in a most powerful way. The doctors were amazed he was still able to function given the magnitude of his sickness and the spread of the disease through his body. He still had an appetite and was able to function normally despite tumours having spread to his brain and other vital organs.

I would love to report he was totally healed but, in this instance, he wasn’t healed on this earth but in heaven. However, shortly before His promotion to heaven and possibly the last time we saw him here at CHR, he and his wife testified that during this whole ordeal he had finally come to realise the Father really loved him. He put it this way:- “although I had been a ‘badge wearing, card carrying’ Christian, I never knew how much God really loved me. We’ve been going to church all these years and never really experienced the powerful presence of Jesus like we have in this season.”

This testimony spoke volumes to those of us who had ministered to he and his wife over a prolonged time. During their time of greatest need, they met the Saviour in a new and powerful way and it radically changed their lives even in the valley of the shadow of death. The Presence of God was clearly evident ON them and IN them. This is the difference of which I am speaking – Christ in us the hope of glory!

Disciples do what the Master says in obedience and the Father loves obedience and blesses it!

Jesus began His earthly ministry with fasting and prayer. He then began to teach saying “repent for the kingdom of heaven is near.” The kingdom of heaven is in reach for us. Notice He came with a KINGDOM message not JUST a message of salvation.

Everything this hurting world needs can be found in the kingdom of God. I would put to you we won’t need the healing, provision, restoration, salvation, deliverance once we’re in heaven! We need the kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven now because in heaven there is no lack, no poverty, no sickness, disease, pain, hatred or violence. We won’t need the wisdom of heaven once we’re there. It’s NOW we need these things both for ourselves but more importantly to give away to a hurting and needy world.

Let me encourage you today to let Christ in you shine ever brighter so those around you would have no doubt whatsoever Christ lives in you with all the fullness of the Godhead. Let's be people who are so full of the Holy Spirit that everything we touch experiences the Presence of heaven as we go about the Father’s work Jesus left us to do.

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU

1 Cor 9:24 says: - “Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!” (NLT)

If God has promised you something, then the seed is in you but you have to pursue it with diligence and perseverance. We can run to win. As Christians I believe we are born to win – we’re on the winning side but so often we feel like the ‘other team’ is in control of the game.

So how do we run to win? We can take some lessons from the game of golf. Now let me make it very clear I’m not a golfing expert (my handicap is my swing) but speaking with those who are competent at this frustrating game, I have gleaned 5 key points we can apply to our Christian lives so we can ‘run to win’.

1. Stance

2. Grip

3. Eye on Ball

4. Watch for traps

5. Follow through

Photo by Jopwell x PGA


We need to start at the cross with our feet firmly planted on Christ the solid rock. The Cross is the trading post where Jesus took all our sins, from ‘womb to tomb’, and traded them for His righteousness. The Bible declares in Psa 40:2 “He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps.”

Our steps are established when we stand on Jesus and His Word. We need to know where we’re standing – the correct stance makes all the difference. “If any man is in Christ he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.” 2 Cor 5:17

Paul states in Gal 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

We are justified by His blood and the Father sees us as righteous as He does His only Son – what an incredible truth on which to stand!


We’re the ones who are responsible for our own lives. To quote Bob Gass: - “men determine habits and habits determine lifestyle.”

What healthy habits can you get a grip on? Reading God’s Word, prayer and fellowship, sharpening each other, not to mention exercise, healthy eating and rest.

We need to have a good grip on God’s love for us and not take it for granted. To put it another way, not just have head knowledge of His love but really know it by experience.


Keep your eyes on Jesus. When Jesus called Peter out of the boat onto the sea of Galilee, Peter immediately climbed down from the boat and walked on the water. It was when he took his eyes off Jesus and looked to the waves he began to sink. The same is true for us. When we focus on our problems instead of keeping our eyes on Jesus, we can so easily sink into the maelstrom of the storm. Fear will always attempt to neutralise our faith.

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Heb 12:1-2.

We don’t have to worry about our provision – if it’s God’s will it’s His bill! He promises to supply all our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:19)

We can also be assured of His Presence. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (emphasis mine) James 4:8.


We began in 1 Cor 9. In the very next chapter Paul gives clear instructions about the traps of temptation, idolatry and complaining, in order to learn from history.

I believe if we stay focussed on the task of building the Kingdom of God with our lives, in other words allowing our lives to be ambassadors of the goodness of God in our speech and actions, then we can finish the race with joy and avoid the many pitfalls the enemy brings to distract us. Paul put it this way: - “What matters most to me is to finish what God started: the job the Master Jesus gave me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God.” Acts 20:24 MSG


It’s been said “It’s not how you start it’s how you finish.” We need to be people who follow through – follow through with our commitment to Christ and the outworking of that each and every day.

“For in just a little while, He who is coming will come and not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith and if he shrinks back (draws back or cowers, withdraws) my soul has no pleasure in him.” Heb 10:37-38

It’s all too easy to draw back when testing and trials come but it’s with follow through that the ball finds the target and we achieve our God given purpose in life.

God knows the worst about us but believes the best. How good is that! He sees us as we can become and if we follow through and allow Him to work in our lives in an ongoing way, He WILL complete the work He began in us (Phil 1:6).

So to summarise:-

Stance. Start at the cross and stand on Jesus the unchangeable unshakable One.

Grip. Let’s take responsibility for our lives

Eye on the ball. Stay focussed on Jesus and what He’s doing. As the old hymn says “Turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”

Watch for Traps. Be wise of the enemy’s devices.

Follow Through. Be a committed follower of Jesus. Consistency and steadfastness will bring the promises of God into our lives so we can run to win.

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


In the midst of all the 'noise' surrounding the current Covid 19 pandemic in which we find ourselves, it is so easy to feel overwhelmed and pressed in on every side with more statistics of doom and gloom.

It is in times like this, I believe it is vital for our spiritual, emotional and physical health to remind ourselves of the awesome power and protection Jesus provides for those who call on His Name.

Certainly a favourite Psalm of mine is Psalm 46.  It begins with a powerful declaration "GOD is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble." Just ponder this statement for a moment.  The God of all the heavens and earth is our refuge and strength.  This declaration in itself is enough to dispel all fear as we let it sink into our soul.  The original word for refuge here means, fortress, shelter, a place of trust, a shelter from the storm.

V2 goes on to say "Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea..."  In other words no matter how bad things look or even become in our lives we have no need to fear BECAUSE God Himself is our refuge and strength.  Where else can we turn for strength, hope and a way through the current circumstances but God alone.  He is our fortress, shelter and place of trust.

We are very grateful for those who have responsibility for making decisions affecting the lives of millions of people, and for a robust health system in our country, however at the end of the day governments, health officials and our leaders cannot provide refuge and strength - that alone can come from heaven.

We are further encouraged in v7 "The LORD of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge.  Selah"

The writers would have us pause at this point - 'Selah' means to pause & most likely a musical term.  However, as we pause at this point we can again ponder the magnitude of this phrase.  THE LORD OF HOSTS IS WITH US!  Hallelujah - THE GOD OF JACOB IS OUR REFUGE. 

We could ask the question "Whom then shall I fear?" Matt Redman poses in his song "Lord you never let go."

Possibly more than ever before in our lifetime, v10 of this magnificent Psalm takes on new significance.

"Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (emphasis added).

It is a fact of life what we feed grows and what we starve dies.  If we are feeding our spirits a steady diet of the daily (or hourly) news cycle going over and over the latest figures and forecasts of economic doom, unemployment figures, stock markets crashing and so on, is it any wonder we can become fearful or downcast?

I'm not saying we shouldn't keep up to date with the relevant facts relating to the corona virus crisis however, it is so easy to become overwhelmed with the barrage of information.  There comes a time to switch off all the media channels be they television, radio, internet or social media and to be STILL and know that He is God.

The word here "know" means to know by experience and I would suggest unless we become still, and silence all the other voices, we can not experientially 'know' God is still in charge and has a mighty plan to bring us all through this crisis into a new season of life, hope, joy and everything else that is wonderful in HIs mighty kingdom.

There are so many experts out there at the moment many of whom are giving vastly different opinions on the way ahead - so confusing for us but at the end of the day let me remind you again of the last verse of this fantastic Psalm...


May you know the peace which passes understanding only Jesus can provide!

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


When you least expect it the ‘suddenly’ of heaven can break through. It’s often easy to focus on the ‘suddenlies’ or ‘immmediatelies’ without considering what has gone before for the person or situation.

We all love it when there’s an immediately – immediately the person was healed, immediately there came an answer to our prayers, immediately the breakthrough came. However, in my experience immediately can take some time.

We live in an increasingly ‘instant society’. We have constant access to all manner of information. We demand faster internet speeds so we can have even greater access to information and answers to life’s questions. Never before have we been able to view with such clarity, events unfolding on the other side of the planet with little or no delay, such is the nature of our technologically advanced world.

However, one of the (many) downsides to this fast-paced information age in which we live, is we expect heaven to respond in like manner. We desire or demand instant answers to our prayers, instant breakthrough and blessings to flow to us each and every time we make our requests.

‘Immediately’ and ‘suddenly’ appear many times in Scripture. However, in many if not all of these instances there has been a period or process of waiting even when there seems to be no breakthrough or answer in sight.

If we consider the account of Bartimaeus found in Mark 10:46-52, we read Bartimaeus was by the side of the road begging. Whilst it isn’t clear how long he had been there, we can correctly assume it was some time. It was common in these times for beggars to line the streets in order to try and receive money from those who passed by as this was their only means of support.

Bartimaeus clearly had heard about this Messiah, named Jesus who had been travelling from place to place healing the sick. It is clear from this account Bartimaeus knew who Jesus was when He addressed him as ‘Son of David’ as it was known the Messiah would come from David’s line. Perhaps he had been begging by the Jericho road for many years. No doubt there had been throngs of people over the years who had passed by Bartimaeus as he sat begging, none of whom could substantially change his circumstances. He still wore the cloak of a beggar which enabled him to ‘legally’ beg for his needs. In other words, his cloak identified him as a beggar. Furthermore, blindness in these times was considered a curse from God for sin, so he was destined to a life of poverty and dependence on others for his very existence.

Then one day, Jesus with his disciples and a large crowd were leaving the city. Bartimaeus heard Jesus was passing by and began to shout so much so that even after being told to be quiet he caught the attention of the Healer who told the people to bring Bartimaeus to him.

Bartimaeus threw aside his cloak. He threw off his identity as a beggar. We can only assume he was expecting a miracle as he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus. Jesus asked him a simple but profound question. “What do you want me to do for you?” (v50) The reply was equally simple yet profound. Simple – all he said was “I want to see”. Profound in that he was totally trusting Jesus’ ability to not only restore his sight, but change his life forever as a result.

It fascinates me to read Jesus in this instance didn’t make mud, (as He did with the blind man in John 9), didn’t lay hands on or even pray for him. He simply made the declaration: - “Go your faith has healed you.” The Bible declares immediately he received his sight. Bartimaeus’ ‘immediately’ no doubt took many years to come but in a moment of time his life was forever changed. We don’t know much more about him in the aftermath of this miracle except he became a follower of Jesus.

As I think back over my life the breakthrough has most often come when least expected and usually after a lengthy period of waiting and if honest not always with patience.

My wife, Roslynne and I felt called to full time ministry through a prophetic word given to us with which our spirits had a strong witness, when baptised as adults at the ripe ages of 28 and 31 respectively. We were full of excitement and anticipation and truly thought this would come to pass in the short term. We were ready for whatever that looked like – well we thought we were at least.

It was 12 long years later, when we least expected it, from a place we least expected, an invitation was given to join the pastoral team in a city 300 kms away. To say our lives were forever changed as a result is an understatement. Our ‘suddenly’, or ‘immediately’ came after a period of waiting, learning, growing and never letting go of the word of the Lord.

Let’s look briefly at another ‘famous suddenly’ found in Acts 2. “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

I believe there were three ingredients for this historic ‘suddenly’ that was to change the face of the church for ever. Jesus had promised on His return to heaven He would send a Helper, Counsellor and Comforter in the person of the Holy Spirit who would live in each and every believer. He made it clear to His disciples they were to wait in Jerusalem until the promise of the Father came to them.

The first ingredient was expectation. They all waited in one accord (unity) in the upper room for this promise of the Father. They had no idea what the promised Holy Spirit would look like or indeed when He would come. They simply waited expectantly – is today the day the promise will come to pass?

The second ingredient was faithfulness. They continued faithfully in prayer in this upper room. They continued the work Jesus had passed onto them with diligence and faithfulness. They continued in prayer and supplication – asking God & expecting an answer.

The third ingredient was obedience. No doubt there many pressing needs in society at this time. They had been commissioned to do the works of Jesus. He’d told them to go into all the world and preach, baptise, heal and look after the poor. It would have been so easy be distracted with the works of the ministry. After all that was what He’d told them to do. However, there was one more important instruction – wait until you have received power from on high.

In other words, His instructions to them were to wait until they were empowered to do these works. The ‘suddenly’ of Pentecost, the ‘immediately’ of their transformation only came after a period of expectation, faithfulness and obedience.

The same remains true for us today. The Bible says it is with “faith and patience we inherit the promises.” Heb 6:12. This is countercultural in our modern society. Patience is a rare commodity in a fast paced world where we have instant answers to our questions on Google. If we desire Kingdom results we have to ‘do life’ the Kingdom way.

Let me encourage you to wait for your breakthrough or your answer with expectation, faithfulness i.e. keep doing that which He’s called you to do, and patience. It is in quietness and trust we find strength (Isa 30:15).

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


I'm always encouraged and inspired by the "if and then" statements in the Bible where the Lord says "if you do this.... then I will do this".  These 'if and then' phrases are mentioned in Scripture literally hundreds of times from Genesis to Revelation.  Many will be familiar with the famous passage in 2 Chronicles 7:14 where the Lord says, "If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

So many of these phrases are offered as an invitation.  Putting it simply, He invites us to seek Him, walk in His ways, or turn from our selfishness and He promises as we take up this invitation, THEN He will protect, provide, comfort, bless etc.

When it comes to wisdom, an attribute which is often conspicuous by it's absence in today's society, there is another ‘If and then’ invitation found in Proverbs 2:1-9

My son, IF you receive my words,  And treasure my commands within you, So that you incline your ear to wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding; Yes, IF you cry out for discernment, And lift up your voice for understanding, IF you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; THEN you will understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk uprightly; He guards the paths of justice, And preserves the way of His saints. THEN you will understand righteousness and justice, Equity and every good path. (Emphasis added)

We find in this passage 3 'if's' and 2 'then's'.  Note this is an invitation to us.  We get to choose whether we accept the invitation or not.

v2 If you receive my words...  'Receive' here is more than just hearing His words in our ears or giving mental ascent to them. It has within its meaning in the original language to seize, capture and take hold of, or apprehend.  It is therefore far more than 'receiving them'. We are invited to take hold of them in an intentional way.

v3 If you cry out for understanding...  'Cry out' means to proclaim or utter a loud sound.  This isn't a weak or passive crying out it is intentional and deliberate.
v4 If you seek (wisdom) her as silver... This is seeking to find. In other words a purposeful searching as if looking for something valuable that is missing.  I was reminded recently this is how children 'seek'.  We have several grandchildren and when they want something they 'seek' for it with persistence asking again and again and again. Children don't always take no for an answer and will persist and persist. This is how we are to seek for wisdom asking again and again for it seeking it out as precious treasure.

The promises flowing from each of these 'If' statements are very clear in this passage.

If you do these things v5 tells us "THEN you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God."  Literally we will have discernment, understanding, perception, prudence and discretion. 

v9 THEN you will understand righteousness and justice, equity and every good path.

We are promised we will have sound wisdom, protection (v7-8) and gain understanding in the vital areas of righteousness, & equity.

These are powerful promises given to those who earnestly seek for wisdom not through striving but the intentional diligence of looking for something so valuable the Bible declares the benefits of finding wisdom are better than the profits of silver and her gain than fine gold. Prov 3:14.

Let me encourage you to take note of the 'if and then's' in the Bible.  Over and over the Lord issues the invitation to us.  If you do this then I will do this making it really simple for us.  Take up His invitation and watch His faithfulness bear great fruit in your life. 

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard

Good News of Great Joy for ALL People

We read Luke's account of the birth of Jesus in chapter 2. v8 “Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.”

Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people (emphasis added). For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.”

Christmas is all about giving. God so loved the world that he GAVE His Son. He gave us many things but three stand out to me as a result of Jesus’ birth and these are:-

a) A way back to the Father – in sending Jesus we now have a path back to the Father - reconciliation – until Jesus was born – sin had no Saviour. “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive.” (1 Cor 15:22) We can now go boldly into His presence – boldly into the throne room of grace.

b) Victory over the works of the enemy – as one writer puts it “until Jesus was born Satan’s intentions were unbridled” – I guess Satan felt he had the victory right up until Christmas eve so to speak – history records of course he had no victory at all for at the Cross Jesus had the ultimate victory – victory over death itself! If Jesus hadn’t come to the world, died and gone back the Father, the precious Holy Spirit could not have been given to us.

c) He gave us grace – the one who came from the Father John 1:1 tells us is full of grace and truth. What is grace? God’s unmerited favour. He didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfil it – mankind had been under the grip of the Law of Moses up until that time – a whole series of regulations and expectations that were impossible to adhere to. Aren’t you glad we live “this side of Christmas”?

As I said before Christmas is all about giving – but you know giving is no good if there is no receiver – our gifts need recipients don’t they?

The Bible tells us in John 1 to those that RECEIVED Him to them…. he gave the right to be called children of God.

So we have to receive the gift of salvation God is giving to us in His son. We then have the right or ability to be called sons/daughters of God. That speaks of enablement. The Greek word used here is exousia – and speaks of delegated authority, privilege, strength, it’s a powerful word but there is a response for us to make.

V9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.

Let's look briefly at 3 key phrases in this angelic pronouncement.

Good News – the good news is of course we are no longer bound in sin – we have direct access to the Father and the immediate and ongoing forgiveness of our sins. That great hymn puts it this way "Long my imprisoned spirit lay fast bound in sin and nature’s night – Thine eye diffused a quickening ray, I woke the dungeon flamed in light, my chains fell off my heart was free I rose, went forth and followed thee." That’s good news no matter how you look at it. Freedom in Christ – the little baby born in a manger brought freedom to you and me.

Great Joy - being in relationship with God is meant to be a joyful experience – I'm not talking about religion here but a personal relationship with the creator God himself through His Son Jesus – that should bring great joy to us. Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us that we should be called the sons of God. (1 John 3:1). It gives me great joy to be called a Son of God and a joint heir with Christ.

For ALL people – to Jews and Greeks, slave and free, one and all! All there in the Greek means all. There are no exclusions by race, gender, family heritage, upbringing, education, the sort of life we’ve had, what we’ve done or not done, what side of the tracks we’re born on – the good news is for ALL people.

God so loved that he gave – once again Christmas is all about giving – it’s about the greatest gift ever given to humanity - that of a Saviour.

So what can we give to God this Christmas?

He doesn’t want performance or works. He just desires a life devoted to Him and His kingdom here. The good news of great joy was for all people – how do all people hear about the good news if you and I don’t spread the good news?

Let’s bring our gift of humility and devotion to Him afresh today. God would you use me for the advancement of your kingdom?

What can we give this Christmas to one another?

In Matthew 10:8 Jesus said to His disciples as he sent them out to share his love and grace with the world, “Freely you have received, freely give."

God holds out the gift of grace to us. There are moments when His gift makes perfect sense. It fits. A cheque in the mail when you're strapped for cash. A phone call when you're lonely. God's peace when you're troubled. We understand that expression of God’s Grace!

There are other moments when His gift of Grace seems a little strange. Forgiveness when you still feel guilty. A kind word from a friend when you've been unkind. A hug from a child when you've lost your temper.

Our job is to freely receive the gift of grace from the Giver. It takes open eyes and an open heart to receive the grace God sends to us through our friends and families. But when we receive, then the gift does its wonderful work. Once the gift has changed us then we can freely share the gift with others.

Let’s give the gift of love to someone this Christmas and if necessary let’s give the gift of forgiveness to someone today if not personally then let’s offer up the offence to God and allow Him to bring peace, healing and comfort to us.

We can make the real spirit of Christmas – the sense of giving to one another, not gifts (presents) but love, compassion, understanding, kindness, a listening ear, an encouraging word, last for the other 364 days. Let’s make that our goal for 2020!

Finally let’s give God the gift of our lives this Christmas. He gave us His only Son. What is your response to His gift of life & freedom today? If you don’t know the giver this Christmas, there’s no better time to be introduced to Him.

It just takes a simple prayer. "Lord Jesus, I acknowledge I need you in my life. I ask you to forgive my sins. I give my life to you. Come and live in my heart Lord Jesus. I receive you as Lord of my life. Help me to live for you. I pray this in your Name Jesus Amen.

The Bible says "if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Rom 10:9.

So if you've prayed this prayer for the first time today drop us a note so we can pray for you too.

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard

The Power of Testimony

I’ve been reminded again lately of the power contained in a testimony.  When we share testimony of what the Lord has done in our lives in any area, it not only builds faith, but also creates an atmosphere in which the miracle or breakthrough contained in the testimony can be repeated particularly in the lives of those who not only hear it but also take it to heart.

When we share a testimony with others, they may not fully believe it, perhaps because it hasn’t been their experience, however they simply cannot argue with it because it is OUR story of His goodness or power in our lives. This could be a story of our salvation, or breakthrough in a relationship or financial issue, a creative, healing miracle Jesus performed in our life or some other account of the goodness of God.

The Bible teaches us in Psalm 78 it was God’s plan and purpose for one generation to pass on to the next the testimony of what the Lord had done for them. 

Verses 4-8 says We will not hide them from their children, telling to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and His strength and His wonderful works that He has done for He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children;  that the generation to come might know them, the children who would be born, that they may arise and declare them to their children, that they may set their hope in God,  and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments and may not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation that did not set its heart aright, and whose spirit was not faithful to God.

Clearly then it was part of God’s design for one generation to pass on to the next the stories or testimonies of His mighty acts and goodness. This was so the subsequent generations wouldn’t forget and by so doing become like the preceding generations - ‘stubborn and rebellious with a spirit unfaithful to God.’ 

This is such a powerful concept to grasp because we read in the subsequent verses…

The children of Ephraim, being armed and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle. They did not keep the covenant of God; They refused to walk in His law, and forgot His works and His wonders that He had shown them.

This demonstrates the power of the testimony.  God’s people even though armed with everything they needed for the battle, actually TURNED BACK because they FORGOT His works and the wondrous things He’s done.

Allow me to illustrate the power of the testimony another way. 

We were at a conference a few years ago in Spokane Washington, and the speaker shared testimonies of people who had been healed of two specific physical issues.  They were a) women who had had their tailbones broken in childbirth and b) people with deviated septums – the cartilage in the centre of the nose which separates the nostrils.  As you can see these two conditions were very specific.  He then asked those who had these conditions to stand and move into the aisle.  Then without anyone laying hands on them or praying for them individually, after sharing the testimony of how others had been healed of these conditions he asked them to test it out.  Of the 80 or so who were standing for these conditions 60 or more testified to being healed right then and there!  When they were asked to test out their healing, you could see many women sitting down forcefully to test their tail bone and others taking deep breaths to see if both nostrils were open. It was quite funny but also amazing to watch.  The atmosphere was pregnant with faith and praise. So many testified to being healed. This was a clear demonstration of the power of the testimony!  Praise God.

We returned home and a few weeks later I was taking a service in our church and sensed the Holy Spirit prompting me to share on the power of testimony and recount the experience from Spokane. It was as if He said “trust me and watch and see what I’ll do.” I was led to call out the deviated septum and asked those with this condition to stand.  I shared what had happened in Spokane just a few weeks prior and a lady in our church was healed right then without anyone laying hands on her or praying for her.  Please hear my heart in this. I wasn’t following a formula but the leading of Holy Spirit.  Rev 19:10 says “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”  When we share a testimony of what Jesus has done or is doing it creates an atmosphere for the miracle or breakthrough to be repeated.

Let me encourage you not to neglect the testimony.  Keep the stories of what Jesus has done in your life foremost in your mind and speech.  When we forget His mighty deeds, we can easily ‘turn back in the day of battle’ but that’s not His best for us!

There’s great power in testimony – pass on the goodness of God to the next generation!

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Heb 10:23-24.

The writer to the Hebrews reminds us of God’s unfailing faithfulness – He is the solid rock on which we stand. He also encourages us to spur one another on. I heard it said recently that faith, although personal, is also a corporate ‘activity’. Many times, we have visitors to the Healing Rooms who say they have very little faith to believe for their healing. That’s what we’re here for. To join our faith with those who come so we may spur one another on. The Bible encourages us further in vv35&36 of the same chapter; “So don’t throw away your confidence; it will be RICHLY rewarded. You need to PERSEVERE so that when you have done the will of God, you WILL receive what He has promised” (emphasis mine).

What a magnificent privilege He gives us in partnering with Him to see heaven come to earth in ever increasing measure! Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy (1 John 3:8). Sickness, disease and oppression are most definitely works of the enemy, as these things don’t exist in God’s perfect kingdom. I believe we can expect to be richly rewarded – there’s the ‘catch’ for some. We can go chasing after the rewards instead of longing for the rewarder. Also those rewards may come in unexpected packaging but let me just say it is a rich reward to be able to impact another person’s life with the Kingdom of God – that in itself is a rich reward! It is a rich reward to be able to regularly lay hands on the sick and release the power of heaven into their bodies, minds and spirits.

He promises us that with perseverance, faith and patience we will inherit the promises of the kingdom. We are continuing to put our trust in the God of heaven and earth to bring even greater breakthrough in all aspects of the ministry at the Healing Rooms. We are trusting Him, and not our clever ideas or strategies for increase in every area – visitors coming, provision of food and finance, team members, opportunities to cast the vision for Healing Rooms in many more cities and towns across this nation of ours.

Jesus made it really clear even He, as the Son of God could do nothing of Himself. (John 5:19). If Jesus couldn’t do anything without the Father, how much more do we need to rely on Holy Spirit’s leading to show us what the Father wants us to do in each and every situation? Without His Presence we are absolutely nothing. However, with God all things are possible (Matt 19:26).

The apostle Paul says “My message and preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith may not rest on man’s wisdom but on God’s power”. (1 Cor 1:2)

When we pray for healing it’s not the ‘cleverness’ with which our prayers are crafted. Neither is the breakthrough found from our experience in praying for the ill or a specific condition we may have seen or ministered to countless times in the past. It is in listening to and following the leading of Holy Spirit, then leaning into His presence that releases the power of God to flow bringing transformation, healing and wholeness.

I heard a testimony recently of a lady who had been ill for many years with a degenerative, debilitating condition. She was only given a few days to live. The Lord prompted two ladies to go and pray for her and gave them specific insight in how to pray. The lady who was dying had been prayed for many times over the years by some of the most ‘anointed’ men and women of God with years of experience, many of whom had seen miracles as they had laid hands on the sick.

However, in obedience these two ladies went to the other side of the country and prayed as Holy Spirit had shown them. Within a day or two the sick woman was eating again. Within a week she was out of bed and regaining her strength and within a month she was totally healed and free from decades of pain and suffering. Nothing is too hard for Him!

Let me encourage you to ask Holy Spirit how to pray and then in obedience follow His lead and trust Him for the rest. It takes perseverance, faith and courage but to return to the place at which we began… Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matt 6:33).

Jesus, in this very familiar passage in Matthew’s gospel, teaches us the key to a life free of worry. Perhaps more importantly, He isn’t making a suggestion here but gives a specific key empowering us to live a Kingdom life.

I believe Jesus wants us to get back to the basics of being ‘Kingdom minded’ people. When we are Kingdom minded we don’t have to be concerned so much about ‘sharpening’ any particular spiritual gift but just seek to ‘give away’ the Kingdom of God.

Paul encourages us to eagerly desire spiritual gifts (1 Cor 14:1). So I’m all for pursuing and developing our gifts but not at the expense of seeking the Giver of these gifts. It’s time to use these gifts where they will be the most effective – in ministering to the lost. Paul said ”…my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” (2 Cor 3:4-5 NKJV)

Trying to win the lost with clever arguments will never be as effective as meeting them at their point of need with the love and power of God. That’s precisely what Kingdom minded people are focussed upon.

In God’s Kingdom there is absolutely everything we need – not only to live the life He’s called us to live, but also to do the work we’re called, commissioned and empowered to do! (2 Pet 1:3) That is GOOD NEWS for all who embrace it!

Just think about this for a moment, not only did our loving Father provide the means of our salvation and redemption (putting things back to their original state or buying back) but then equipped and empowered us to partner with Him to see the lives of those with whom we have contact TRANSFORMED – taken from one state or place to another; from despair to hope, from discouragement to encouragement from sickness to health, from sorrow to joy, from bondage & captivity to freedom, from poverty to blessing.

So what does the Kingdom look like? We only need to read the gospels to find out. Again and again Jesus said:- ”the Kingdom of heaven is like…” Here are just a few examples:- a mustard seed, leaven, treasure hidden in a field, a merchant seeking pearls, a dragnet, a householder, king or landowner. I would encourage you to read Matthew’s gospel and discover these for yourself.

He also says the Kingdom is within us, at hand and near us. However, in essence, that which is contained in the Kingdom is what is needed here and now on earth – that’s why Jesus taught us to pray “Your Kingdom come ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!” (Matt 6:10)

As we determine to be people who pray this with sincerity of heart, in other words fully expecting His Kingdom to come ON EARTH, here and now, just as it is in heaven we WILL see more of His tangible Presence released when we minister to others.

Consider this. In heaven there is no sickness or disease, no depression, envy or bitterness, slander or pride, no hatred or animosity, strife or striving, no pain or oppression, worry, fear or anxiety. There is no unhealthy competition, anger or rage and we could go on and on. However, WHAT THERE IS in heaven is EVERYTHING we need here. We won’t need the Holy Spirit’s peace when we get to heaven because we will be in it continually. The same applies to everything else heaven holds for us. Why would Jesus teach us to pray on earth as it is in heaven if it wasn’t available now? Why else would He say the Kingdom of heaven is at hand or near to you if it wasn’t possible?

Let me encourage you to be a person who ‘gives away’ the Kingdom. It has been said “we only get to keep what we give away”. Therefore, the more of the Kingdom we give away the more the Father can pour into us because we leak! Not only that but everything we try to hang onto we lose. (See Prov 11:24).

Don’t get too focussed on a particular gift or ‘anointing’ but just go after the things Jesus taught – seek first the Kingdom and all the rest will follow.

One other vital aspect of being kingdom minded people is we pursue unity (not uniformity) in the body of Christ. In other words, we lay aside our denominational preferences or idiosyncrasies and seek unity under the one King Jesus to reach and affect the community with His Love, Power and Grace. A kingdom minded person seeks to build HIS kingdom, not their ministry, church or following but His Kingdom here on earth. Our cities and towns are full of people desperately seeking truth, love, acceptance and meaning to life. Kingdom minded people have the answers to these lost and lonely ones through a relationship with the Creator and Sustainer of life. His name is Jesus the Name which is above every other name.

Pray and release the Kingdom and the gifts you need at that time – be it faith, miracles, words of knowledge, or wisdom, discernment & so much more will flow freely to you when you seek first the Kingdom. With the Kingdom comes all we need here and now!!! Praise God!

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


One thing I have to constantly fight against is mediocrity – settling for 2nd best, settling for good when the BEST is what God really desires for each of us. So much of our modern society is content with a 'near enough is good enough' attitude or what is the MINIMUM requirement I need to pass this subject or complete the task at hand?

I believe it is time to get hungry again for a fresh touch from Him. Time to get child-like in our faith and expectations and to move away from what He’s going to do FOR us, to what He desires to do IN us and then THROUGH us to turn this world upside down for His glory.

I was reminded recently of a visitor we had to the Healing Rooms a while ago who said “Jesus paid too high a price for my healing for me to settle for anything less than my total healing. I’m putting you on notice that I’ll be back until my healing is complete.” What a FAITH statement! It reminds me of Mark 5:28 “If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed.”

Jesus on His way to heal Jairus’ daughter, on His way to perform one miracle, has another one ‘stolen’ from Him. Mark 5:29 says, “IMMEDIATELY her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body she was freed from her suffering.”

Don’t you love the ‘immediatelys’ in the Bible? That moment when the power of heaven touches earth and things are changed for eternity.

Do you need a touch from God today? Are you tired of going through the motions? It’s just so easy to settle for second best – mediocrity, or having the form but not the power?

Luke 11:9 promises we receive the Holy Spirit when we ask for Him to come. Persistence & boldness in prayer – being specific, brings about the purposes of God in our lives. I believe the Holy Spirit should impact every facet of our lives. He must increase and we must decrease.

In the workplace, our relationships at home and outside the home, our finances, our health, our marriages, our businesses, our studies, our worship, our music, our choice of friends, EVERY aspect and facet of life should demonstrate the presence of God.

Let’s get back to dreaming BIG dreams – with God ALL things are possible – the things WE see as impossible are those in which He delights. The enormous mountains in our lives are mere specks from His viewpoint. Let’s get His perspective on life – His plans for us are perfect ‘to give us a future and a hope’ not a boring uninteresting life. Maybe you feel your life is dull and boring. Let me encourage you today - it doesn’t have to be! There’s nothing in your life God can’t turn around and use for His purposes.

Here’s a profound statement:- “nothing ever changes till it changes.” If we keep expecting our lives not to change then they won’t. With just one touch from the Father we can enter a whole new realm of experiencing His many promises for us!

My heart’s desire is for Christians everywhere to move from a “what’s in it for me?” approach to God, to a place of being lost in wonder, love and praise. We need to get back to being in awe of our wonderful Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, and precious Holy Spirit. He is the One who guides & comforts us, brings us into all Truth and the One who unlocks the mysteries of the kingdom for us.

Let’s make God famous again wherever we go. The Bible says as we let our light shine, people will see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven. (Matt 5:16) So let’s actively promote the restoration of God, the Almighty, creator of the heavens and the earth to His rightful place – one of awe, respect, honour, power & majesty! Let’s be a part of bringing that to pass – exalting the One and only True God.

Many people who come to the Healing Rooms for physical conditions are getting far more than they bargained for! The power of God is touching people right where they’re at and healing the whole person – emotionally, spiritually and physically. Praise God!

Are you hungry, thirsty & desperate or satisfied with the way things are in your Christian life? Ask God today for just one touch – reach out and touch Him and see your life transformed by His awesome power.

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Martyn Ritchard Martyn Ritchard


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard (or keep) your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7 (Emphasis added)
What a wonderful promise! Our hearts and minds will be guarded by the peace of God. The original Greek word used here for ‘to keep’ or ‘guard’ means; - to protect by military guard, to prevent a hostile invasion.

Thanksgiving equips us to withstand the 'hostile invasion' of the enemy in our thoughts – especially in times of trial or crisis.

Notice here how the peace is appropriated – through thanksgiving - as we put our requests before the Father. He is interested in every part of our lives and here’s the amazing part of His love for us…He knows our needs even before we bring them to Him but He delights in us doing just that - presenting our requests to Him, with thanksgiving.

The Holy Spirit has been encouraging me in the area of thanksgiving over recent weeks and reminding me nothing ever happens to me that takes the Father by surprise! He has only the best for me so I can be CONFIDENT that even when my circumstances seem to be out of line with what I would consider to be best for me, I know that He is working all things together for my good. (Rom 8:28)

His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. He’s not just a bigger version of you and me!

Thanksgiving is an attitude of the heart and mind. It really is an act of the will, especially when the situation or circumstances in our lives ‘screams’ that we should be anything but thankful. The Bible calls it a sacrifice of praise – i.e. we CHOOSE to praise Him in spite of the situation, trusting Him to turn anything that the enemy has meant for evil around for our good.

As I look back over my life, I see again and again (with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight) ALL of the crises, disappointments, tragedy and heartbreaking situations contained ‘gold’. Of course at the time the gold wasn’t evident and if honest, I wasn’t always looking for it (or even interested in doing so), but I can see the hand of God was in EACH and EVERY situation. Does that mean He sent these disasters to me to make me a ‘better person’ or because I deserved punishment – ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Nothing is wasted in God’s economy or Kingdom. He has a purpose and plan for our lives and as I learn to trust Him more, I find greater peace flows especially in the tough times by choosing to be thankful in every circumstance.

Just recently I woke in the small hours of the morning and my mind immediately started thinking about all manner of things that had potential to bring fear, anxiety and worry. It was my choice what to do with these thoughts..

I began to purposefully thank God for my wife & family and just ‘worked my way’ down the list not just thanking God I had a wife and family but for all the goodness and joy they bring to me and the way He has provided for us.

Before I knew it 40 minutes had passed & I hadn’t progressed passed my family! In that entire time I never had one anxious thought. Why is that? Simply because fear and faith can’t co-exist in the one ‘container’. You simply can’t be anxious when your heart and mind is full of thankfulness!

Thanksgiving releases faith and fear and anxiety have to flee! God is GOOD ALL THE TIME and when we choose to acknowledge His goodness it changes our perspective on the things that come against us.

4 Reasons to be thankful

1. It magnifies God – not that we can make Him any bigger but our perspective shifts.

2. It’s the will of God for us; “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thess 5:16-18

3. It expresses our trust in His goodness and faithfulness to us.

4. We fill our minds with the goodness of God thereby rendering null and void the enemy’s plans for fear.

May I encourage you to adopt a lifestyle of thanksgiving and watch and see the peace increase in your life. He keeps His Word – He will guard or keep your heart & mind in peace – which will surpass your understanding.

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